Bringing new tools in and getting them to be adapted can be a herculean effort. Habits take work to change. We’ve put together a customizable email template and getting started document that you can send out to your team so they are up to speed with Debricked.


  1. Copy the template below and paste it into a new email/internal message.
  2. Customize the [placeholder text].
  3. Add any additional context to help your team understand how and why you’re using Debricked, and remove any content irrelevant to your environment.
  4. Send the email/message to your team and prepare to get your open source security on point!


Hello team,

As some of you know, we’re now using Debricked as our Software Composition Analysis tool (SCA). Debricked will scan our repositories for any unwanted vulnerabilities and non-compliant licenses and support us in finding open source projects that fit our internal policies.

Why are we using Debricked?

With the increase in the adoption of open source, teams become more vulnerable to its inherent risks. Therefore, we have selected Debricked to help us by providing and automating visibility into our open source software components. This will be done by [consistently scanning our code to find vulnerabilities and licenses].

This is how Debricked can help us: